Ying Yang Xue

"If something is cold, heat it. If something is hot, cool it." –Huangdi Neijing

Archive for the tag “kumquat”

Cake to Soothe the Savage (Liver) Beast

N. took the treatment of liver qi stagnation to another level–the CAKE level!  This delicious creation was just sweet enough, with a delicious punch of kumquat and sesame seeds.  She focused her liver qi stagnation recipe  on the manifestation of depression, including lots of ingredients to move qi and calm the shen.  I know that *I* was in a better mood after eating this treat!

TCM DOS: Depression due to Liver Qi Stagnation

Western DX: Depression

TCM S/s: emotional disorder, depression, sighing, distension and pain in hypochondrium, stuffiness in the chest, insomnia, loss of appetite, irregular menstruation, PMS, irritability, belching, feeling of difficulty swallowing

Tongue: thin white and with red sides

Pulse: Wiry, slippery

Recommended Foods: Foods that help regulate Qi, relieve depression, transform phlegm, nurture the Liver and Tranquilize the heart such as: longan, litchi, lotus seeds, wheat, mulberry, oyster, oranges, basil, kumquat, plum, sesame seeds, onion/leek.

Foods to Avoid: cheese, eggs, cream, ice cream, red meats, nuts, pizzas, lard, shortening, margarine, deep fried foods, chilies, and excessively hot, spicy meals, beer and excessive intoxicants in general, raw vegetable juices, refined sugars, artificial preservatives, artificial colorings

Helpful cooking Methods: stews, soup, bake or steam instead of Deep fry

Kumquat Cake


10 kumquats

3 cup whole wheat flour

1/4 cup sugar

2 teaspoons sesame seeds

2 cup water


Cut kumquats into small pieces and take seeds out. Mix wheat flour , water and sugar together and blend it. Add the kumquats. Then blend it again and let it stand out for 30minutes. Sprinkle sesame seeds on over the top.

Place it in the oven at 400F for 30-45 minutes.

Check out the yummy kumquat pieces--that'll get your qi movin'!

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